February 6, 2011

Nathan tries his hand in joining the civilized world by being potty trained

Look at me. I can pee-pee poo-poo whenever I want. I don't care as someone else always cleans it up for me.  Never fails.

Ominous Narrator: Atlas, little does 2-1/2 year old Nathan know, his days of defecating and urinating with impunity are numbered.

Step 1 of self-removal of diaper and sitting.  Check.  No problem.  Something like a disposable toddler training panty would do nothing for him.  E.g. U.S. Pat. No. 4,619,649.


Step 2, we're a little confused on.  It turns into a long waiting game.  To no avail.

We bring in the closer to exult the virtues of potty training.  She even does a dry-run walk-through.

Finally a trickle happens.  Lots of praises all around.

Albert: Nathan, did you go pee-pee in the potty?

Clearly more work needs to be done.

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