June 22, 2011

Nathan ends his sentences with the phase: "ANYMORE!" as a point of emphasis

Nathan started ending his sentences with "ANYMORE!" as a point of emphasis a few months back.

For example, if he gets in a verbal dispute with his sister, the argument will devolve into him spouting his displeasure with a declaration such as: I don't like you Abbie, ANYMORE!

Or say at dinnertime, if he is asked to finish his meal, it might go something like this: I don't like you chocolate milk, ANYMORE!

Or say he's being disciplined by his mom, it might go something like this: I don't like you mommie, ANYMORE!

You get the idea.

So I thought it would a good idea to take advantage of his exuberance in the potty training department. From this video, I think we can safely say that he knows what needs to be done.

Sadly, the exubrance hasn't translated to him performing the function at a satisfactory level.  Well, not at the level that would allow him to matriculate to preschool in the fall.

I think the life lesson here is that you can't take a 2-year old at his word.

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